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Privacy Policy

The Sovereign Hill Museums Association is committed to protecting our guests’ right to privacy, especially in regard to any personal information provided to us, in line with Commonwealth and State legal requirements.

What is personal information?

1. Personal information includes information or an opinion that could be used to identify an individual. It can include things such as (but is not limited to) names; email and postal addresses; telephone numbers; photographs and video recordings; and online usernames. 

2. Personal information collected by SHMA is treated as confidential and is protected by the Australian Privacy Principles contained in the Privacy Act 1988.

What personal information does SHMA collect and how is it collected?

3. In order to conduct our operations, promote safety and wellbeing, and develop plans to improve our services and visitor experience, SHMA needs to collect personal information from all guests.

4. SHMA may collect personal information:

  • a. When a guest pays entrance fees, books accommodation, or purchases goods and services using a personal credit card;
  • b. When a customer shops online with us;
  • c. When a guest makes a booking to attend an SHMA site or any SHMA-run event;
  • d. When a representative of third party booking agent, school, education provider or other organisation coordinating a booking to any SHMA site or event provides this information on a guest’s behalf;
  • e. When a guest raises a request, issue or concern about their experience at or with any SHMA site, good or service;
  • f. When a person signs up to an SHMA mailing list;
  • g. When a person registers for a user account on any SHMA owned or controlled website;
  • h. When a person applies to become a member of SHMA; or
  • i. When a person makes a tax-deductible donation to SHMA.

5. Guests may elect to disclose personal information to SHMA as part of regular market research and opinion gathering activity.

6. If an individual communicates with SHMA by email the email address will be recorded.

7. When a user visits the SHMA website or any other SHMA owned or controlled website a record of the visit is logged. The information provider by the user’s browser may include:

  • a. The user’s server address;
  • b. The user’s operating system (for example, Android, iOS, Windows etc);
  • c. The user’s top level domain name;
  • d. The date and time of visit;
  • e. The pages accessed and any documents downloaded;
  • f. The previous site visited by the user; and
  • g. The type of browser used.

8. No attempt will be made by SHMA to identify a user based on their browsing activities unless this is subject to a legal requirement.

9. The SHMA website and other SHMA owned or controlled websites use cookies. Cookies are used to maintain information specific to a user during their visit to a website (and different parts of the website), such as log-in credentials or items in a shopping cart.

10. SHMA may download and store relevant public social media posts, including images and video recordings.

11. Guests may otherwise choose to share images, video recordings and other content with SHMA social media accounts privately.

How does SHMA use and disclose personal information?

12. A guest’s personal information is only ever used for the purposes for which it was provided, and in ways that are directly related to one of SHMA’s organisational functions or activities.

13. Guest information will only be used for another purpose where the guest (or their legal guardian) has consented to its use or where there would be a reasonable expectation that the information would be used or disclosed for a secondary purpose. Consent for the use of personal information may be in writing, verbal or implied from a person’s conduct.

14. Guest contact details are essential to ensure the provision of goods and services, including ensuring future and past visitors are informed about SHMA events, services, and products, including any special offers or discounts. Individuals have the right to elect to opt out of receiving this information.

15. Individuals who have opted out of receiving communications from SHMA may still be contacted if there is a change to or cancellation of a booking for a future date.

16. SHMA may, on occasion, disclose personal information that we hold to advertising or marketing agencies for the purposes of direct marketing. Personal information will only be disclosed in this way when a guest, customer or website user has proactively opted in to receive direct marketing.

17. Information collected as part of market research or opinion gathering activity will be used to assure a high level of customer service and address any areas of guest concern.

18. Website usage data will be used to improve the presentation and content of the SHMA website and other SHMA owned or controlled websites.

19. An email address provided to SHMA will only be used for the purposes for which it was provided.

20. Email addresses will not be added to mailing lists or disclosed to third parties without the owner’s consent.

21. SHMA may republish or share public social media content to promote the organisation or its activities. SHMA will seek consent prior to sharing or republishing social media content that has been provided via private channels.

Legal requirements to disclose information

22. SHMA may be legally required to disclose any form of personal information it holds, including website usage information, such as in a disclosure to a court where information is subject to a subpoena.

Overseas companies

23. SHMA does not disclose personal information to overseas companies.

Maintaining current and complete records

24. SHMA takes reasonable measures to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the personal information it collects.

25. SHMA encourages guests, customers and users to advise SHMA in writing if any of the personal information that SHMA holds about them is inaccurate, out-of-date or incomplete. SHMA will take reasonable steps to correct or update these records as appropriate.

Consequences of not providing personal information

26. If a guest or other customer does not provide SHMA with personal information when requested, SHMA may be unable to provide goods or services, or regular updates on the goods and services provided by SHMA.

27. If a user has disabled cookies, some features of the SHMA website and other SHMA owned or controlled sites may not work correctly. Note, disabling cookies will not prevent most user information from being made available to SHMA.

Accessing personal information

28. SHMA will provide guests or other customers with access to personal information held about them on request, subject to some exceptions permitted under the Privacy Act 1988.

29. SHMA may levy a fee to recoup any reasonable costs it incurs to retrieve and provide personal information requested.

Protecting personal information

30. SHMA takes steps to ensure that the personal information it holds is protected from misuse, interference and loss from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.

31. Personal information may be held in hard copy and / or electronic form. Hard copy records are stored securely on SHMA sites. Electronic records are held in secure databases accessible only by authorised staff.

32. Any person may request that SHMA delete, destroy or deidentify all personal information relating to them which is held by SHMA. Such a request should be made in writing. SHMA will take reasonable steps to accede to such requests but may be required to maintain some records due to legal or regulatory requirements.

33. When personal information is no longer required, this will either be destroyed or deidentified, except where the retention of this information is required or authorised by law.

Further information

For further information, or to request personal information be updated,