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1. Opening hours & activities

What are your opening hours?

What can I see at Sovereign Hill?

Where is Sovereign Hill?

Should I pre-book my ticket?

Where can I find out more about what’s on at Sovereign Hill?

Is the Gold Museum open?

Is parking available on site? 

When is AURA running?

Can I take a photo with the costumed staff?

Is the cafe at Sovereign Hill open?

What is happening to the Chinese Village?

2. Booking tickets

How can I book a ticket?

How do I book with an annual pass?

What concession cards do you accept? 

Can I book a ticket with a companion card?

Do I have to pre-book activities?

What additional activities do I need to pay for?

How do I buy an annual pass?

Where can I purchase gift vouchers?

Can I re-enter Sovereign Hill on the same day?

The day I want to attend is sold out online, can I get a ticket at the entrance?

3. Cancellations

Do you offer cancellations?

Can I re-schedule my booking?

4. Sovereign Hill Hotel

Can I stay onsite at the hotel?

Can I make a booking for just the Sovereign Hill Hotel?

5. Photography Experience

Do you have a costume that will fit me properly?

What kind of costumes can I pick from?

How long is the sitting for?

Can I get changed in a private area?

How long before the photographs are ready?

Are the sitting fee tickets refundable?

What happens if I am running late?

Can I take photos on my camera of the experience?

Can I book a large family / friend / work group in?

Is the studio accessible?

What is the best way to contact the studio?

Do I need a ticket to attend a Photography session?

6. Guided Quartz Mine Tours

Can I take my baby or toddler with me?

Can I take a pram into the mine?

How confining or restrictive is it down there?

How is this tour different to the free Red Hill Mine tour (map reference 6)?

Can I use a wheelchair in the mine?