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Master Plan


Transforming the Chinese Village & Diggings

We have begun phase one of redevelopment project in the Diggings and Chinese Protectorate Camp precinct.

This will provide more seating, shelter and access to these areas of the museum, as well as other improvements.

While we are working, the Chinese Protectorate Camp will be closed to the public and there will be some impacts on access to the Diggings.

We look forward to welcoming you to these transformed parts of the museum.

If you have any questions please contact

Black and white post card
Chinese Quarter, Ballarat 1868, Wood Engraving, Ebenezer & David Syme, Courtesy of State Library Victoria.
Drawing of Chinese Protectorate Camp
Concept Image of Chinese Protectorate Camp

The Sovereign Hill Museum Enhancement Master Plan project has been made possible by funding provided by the Australian Government through the National Tourism Icons Program.

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